6 Secrets of the ENFP Personality Type

enfp personality type

6 Secrets of the ENFP Personality Type

ENFPs are intensely emotional people, often well-liked by everybody around them. They have a strong value system that they live by. The ENFP firmly believes that people should be respected as individuals and allowed to pursue their own freedoms.

ENFPs have a hard time following through with their projects. This personality type is capable of achieving great success when they learn to focus, though. ENFPs that create balance in their lives will experience positivity all around them.

They Stick to Their Values

ENFPs have a set of values that they strongly adhere to. This is an intuitive personality type, constantly on the lookout for deeper meaning. ENFPs use that insight to work for what they believe is right.

There is a flipside to this. ENFPs, as outgoing and charismatic people, could easily become manipulative and attempt to control others. Thankfully, most individuals with this personality type resist this path. Such actions would lead the ENFP too far from their core values.

People with the ENFP personality type are typical extroverts in many ways, but they also need some time alone to center themselves and regain balance. They frequently reassess – some might say overthink – their decisions. These are all efforts to ensure the ENFP is being true to themselves and moving in the right direction.



They Have a Hard Time Following Through

ENFPs can have a hard time following through with their projects, and their relationships. They generally don’t consider practical matters to be of the utmost importance. They are always excited about the next adventure and possibility. So much so that an ENFP can even forget to eat if they are sufficiently distracted.

Alas, when enthusiasm for the current situation wanes and something new and exciting catches their attention, ENFPs often fall into the trap of jumping from project to project, job to job, or relationship to relationship. This isn’t necessarily because they are fickle, but rather because they see exciting opportunities all around them. The ENFPs comfort with change is both a blessing and a curse. It certainly means that the ENFP is adaptable, but if they don’t learn to focus their attention, they will never live up to their great potential.

ENFPs are fortunate in that they can achieve success in many different areas. Despite this, they should only take jobs in which they can creatively generate new ideas and work with people. Any job that has them doing boring, routine tasks will be a poor choice.

In relationships, their strong value system will keep them more dedicated than they would otherwise be. All the same, an ENFP should choose a partner that is equally flexible and future-oriented for the dynamic to work.


They Develop Their People Skills Over Time

Any ENFP you meet will be a charming and outgoing “people person.” What you may not realize is that they developed these people skills throughout their lives.

Young ENFPs are driven by a need to be liked by other people, often overdoing their efforts to gain acceptance. They may be clingy or seem insincere, displaying over-the-top attempts to earn attention. It’s not unheard of for the ENFP to considered, “a little much” when they first meet somebody new.

The ENFP personality type is genuinely interested in people though, and places great importance on their personal relationships. As they grow, they learn to balance their desire for acceptance with their need to be true to themselves. As a result, the ENFP becomes a well-rounded and popular individual. They develop an intuitive ability to understand others, which helps them relate to a wide variety of people.

people skills


They Have a Deep Respect for Others

Closely intertwined with their value system is the ENFP’s respect for the individuality of other people. One of the reasons why ENFPs are so well-liked is that they allow other people to be who they truly are, without judgment or condemnation.

ENFPs accept and value people as individuals, and often hold the needs of the individual above the needs of the group. They believe that everyone has a right to be themselves, and they are very tolerant and accepting.

ENFPs strongly dislike being controlled by others, and they do not control other people. They can be angered when they see people being controlled or suppressed. They will certainly become irritable when people harshly criticize or try to control them. ENFPs often leave this anger unexpressed because they don’t want to hurt others by directing that anger towards them. This can lead to repressed irritation, turn inward.


They are Intensely Emotional

ENFPs are intensely emotional people. They are intuitive, sensitive, and consider feelings to be something that everyone should respect and express.

This trait can actually cause people with the ENFP personality type a great deal of stress. They focus on the meaning behind other people’s words and actions, often overthinking and seeing problems where none actually exist. ENFPs see life as a large puzzle with many inter-connected complexities. Sadly, some of these complications are of the ENFPs own making.

ENFPs use their perceptions of people and the world as a basis for their decisions, and this exposes them to emotional turbulence. Their emotional sensitivity becomes subject to the unstable nature of the world around them, which can threaten their otherwise self-confident and enthusiastic personality. When they have this under control, however, an ENFP’s emotional enthusiasm can be inspiring and motivating for those around them.


They Need Balance

ENFPs that seek to live happy and productive lives should make a conscious effort to balance all of the traits discussed above. Fortunately, this personality type has a natural inclination to do this already.

ENFPs are good at switching between work and relaxation, using this as a way to cope and reduce stress. Their emotional sensitivity opens them up to feeling discouraged or disappointed with the world, and their constant analysis of people’s motives can be exhausting. Nobody truly knows what is unfolding in somebody else’s mind, even a personality type as empathetic as the ENFP.

To compensate, some ENFPs go too far in the other direction, attempting to stifle their inner voice with activities like shopping or self-medication. Most of the time though, ENFPs are on the right track when they shut off their “work brain” and switch to relaxation mode.

ENFPs should be careful to do this in a constructive manner, so all areas of their lives exist in perfect equilibrium. ENFPs seek harmony in their lives and environments, and usually make a good effort toward creating something positive – both for themselves and those around them.


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