What Each Of The 16 Personality Types Really Wants Out Of Life

Do you ever feel dissatisfied with your life but are not sure why? Thankfully, the 16 Personality Type Test provides a way for you to discover what personality type you are. Each Type has different needs that need to be met. Take a look at the needs of the 16 Personality Types below then user our free personality test to see which one applies to you.

Knowing the needs and potential frustrations of your Personality Type is the first step in leading a happy and ultimately fulfilled life!


INFJ - The Counselor


Creative and focussed on others

INFJs are determined to make a positive difference to the world. If The Counselor does not direct energy into improving life for others, struggle becomes likely. Flourishing when they trust their strong Intuition, INFJs function positively when making choices that stem from the heart, rather than logic. INFJ’s need to make time for their creativity to run free and allow themselves to dream big. The idealistic traits that are part of this Myers-Briggs INFJ Personality Type can lead to high expectations, both for themselves and others. This is admirable, but it may not always be helpful – temper these expectations and go easy on yourself.

More INFJ personality type >



ENFP - The Champion

ENFPAn active life…filled with creating new initiatives and experiences

The Champion is frustrated by repeating the same actions and routines day after day. The ENFP should aim to include as much variety in their schedule as possible. This Personality Type needs to feel they are living an active life, filled with new initiatives and experiences. Anything else feels like stagnation to the ENFP, and that simply will not do. The extrovert element of the Personality means that an ENFP draws energy from interacting with others. Possessing both initiative and drive, they have the potential to be entrepreneurs – which is just as well, as The Champion does not excel at taking orders from others. Although ENFPs are fulfilled by seeking new possessions and experiences, they must also ensure they retain existing, valuable things in their lives.

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ESFP - The Performer

esfpLikes being in the spotlight

The Performer is a people-person and to feel truly fulfilled, they need a lot of contact with others. The focus of the EFSP should be on surrounding themselves with like-minded individuals, avoiding getting bogged down on highly complex tasks. The Performer likes to take center stage in the spotlight, but also thrives on positive feedback. The ESFP needs to feel the love from those around them to flourish. They are especially suited to careers that involve working with others, particularly in a helpful or caring capacity. They are excellent problem-solvers but can grow frustrated by red-tape. This Personality Type likes to see fast, tangible results for their work.

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ISTJ - The Inspector

istjHigh standards ...fiercely loyal and respected by others

ISTJs are hard-working and thorough, with strong and traditional values. The Inspector flourishes in stable and loyal relationships. These unions act as the cornerstone of a fulfilled life. ISTJs are fiercely loyal, renowned for their reliability and ability to plan. They are motivated to meet the goals they set for themselves. ISTJs enjoy working to a high standard and are admired by others. The Judging aspect of this Personality Type can mean that, when things don’t go according to plan, they can be too hard on themselves. This tendency should be relaxed, freeing the mind to reassess a problem from a new perspective.

More ISTJ personality type >



INTJ - The Mastermind

intjOutside the box thinking…need regular time alone

The Mastermind is an inquisitive Personality. The INTJ needs to constantly learn new things and expand their understanding of the world to stay satisfied. They are energized by identifying new ways to solve problems and have the ability to instigate wide-scale change through their “outside the box” thinking. They are more comfortable in stable environments and find contentment in a small number of close relationships. Socializing can be a drain on the introverted element of this Personality Type. If the INTJ is to be happy, they need to balance time with others with regular solitude to recharge their batteries.

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ISTP - The Craftsman

istpNeeds space to work logically and…find the inner peace they long for

The Craftsman needs significant time alone. This allows the ISTP to step back and analyze the world around them. This Personality Type values independence and freedom of thought. This means the ISTP struggles with spending large amounts of time working closely with others or following orders. Somebody with an ISTP Personality needs space to work logically and pursue the things that interest them. Only in this environment will they find the inner peace that they long for – anything else is distracting background noise. Their logical mindset makes them ideally suited to working in careers such as engineering or computing.

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ESFJ - The Provider

esfjLive to make others happy

This Personality Type needs to look outwards in order to fully realize their potential. Providers are excellent at making connections with others. As you can imagine, this usually makes them very popular. They have a highly compassionate side to their personality and are happiest using this to help others to achieve their goals – or even just comfort. ESFJs live to make others happy and are most fulfilled while doing so. This can apply to both the personal and professional lives of the Provider. ESFJs struggle with constant change, working better in stable conditions. The Provider is best suited to situations that are conflict-free.

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INFP - The Idealist

infpSpontaneous and innovative

INFP’s are driven by their core values and a desire to find new ways of doing things. This Personality Type looks for inner peace and meaning in the world around them, no matter how chaotic this may be. Although they have a caring nature, Idealists rarely flourish by spending large amounts of time with others. They need time alone with their thoughts to allow their creative mind to reach full potential. They will be happier when dedicating their time and energy to causes that they truly believe in – no INFP will be happy grinding away at a job that doesn’t mirror their values for the sake of a paycheck. The Idealist will also struggle in environments that restrict spontanety. The Idealist lives to find innovative ways of approaching problems.

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ESTP - The Doer

estpLives in the moment … quick thinking problem solvers

As their name suggests, The Doer is motivated by activity rather than planning or management. This Personality lives in the moment and enjoys experimenting with short-term experiences. The Doer will always choose a quick fix over delayed gratification. They need to allow themselves the space to be spontaneous and mix socially. The personality test reveals that an ESTPs nature is hampered by repetitive tasks or long-term work, with a desire for variety soon becoming unbearable. They engage successfully with their environments and are quick thinking problem-solvers. Although having a strong extroverted nature, The Doer needs to receive positive affirmation from those they interact with to flourish.

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ESTJ - The Supervisor

estjTraditional…natural leaders…want to improve the community

The Supervisor wants to set standards and connect with people. ESTJs pride themselves on their high moral standards and good citizenship, which is typically rooted firmly in tradition and legacy. This Personality Type will be frustrated by disorganized or unpredictable environments, preferring order and logic. Their methodical approach to life helps them find fulfilment when focused on organizing tasks and people. They are natural leaders, able to ensure that tasks are completed in a constructive and time-efficient manner. They enjoy tradition and are likely to connect with others of a like mind. Supervisors are down-to-earth people who want to improve the community around them in practical ways.

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ENTJ - The Commander

entjMaking change happen…working strategically on large scale projects

ENTJs are strategic thinkers with a natural affinity for leadership. The Commander enjoys taking charge and making change happen. ENTJs work tirelessly to achieve high standards in everything they do, and expect the same effort from colleagues and peers. They are likely to feel most fulfilled when putting together long-term plans to provide logical solutions. Their strong sense of intuition helps them immediately envision change and how to achieve it. The 16 Personalities Test reveals ENTJs are likely to grow frustrated when they have to focus on small details or are asked to understand feelings. There is no time for emotion when there is work to be done. They enjoy working with others who share the same vision and high efficiency as them.

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INTP - The Thinker

intpHappier being alone..logical and creative

INTP’s question everything, constantly seeking to expand their knowledge and ideas. Above everything else, The Thinker needs to understand the world around them. This Personality Type is not inspired by interactions with others though, and is happier being alone. INTPs need space to develop their knowledge and understanding of the things that interest them. Anything outside of this field of interest is just a distraction. This Personality Type is both logical and creative. They feel hampered and restricted if expected to keep to convention for the sake of it – their question nature will once again kick in. They prefer to dig beneath the surface and base their lives on what makes logical sense. This provides Thinkers with the potential to find innovative solutions and challenge illogical conventions.

More INTP personality type >



ISFJ - The Nurturer

isfjThe perfect host

Although The Nurturer is an introverted Personality Types, an ISFJ’s main focus in on helping others. ISFJs value relationships, dedicating significant time and energy to ensuring those around them are happy. This provides a sense of tremendous well-being. The Nurturer is the perfect host and gains satisfaction in seeing others succeed. Alas, this Personality Type is so concerned for others’ needs that they are in danger of neglecting their own. Nurturers need people to encourage and value them in return if they are to continue to have enough energy to aid others. ISFJs are not suited to environments that are changeable, instead thriving on establish routine.

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ENTP - The Visionary

entpIntellectual…not constrained by social expectations

Visionaries are highly intelligent people that see possibilities in everything. This Personality Type naturally draws people to them – although they don’t need the approval of others to feel fulfilled. Visionaries are intellectual and need to interact with people of equal intelligence. Ignorance and indifference are frustrating to the ENTP. They enjoy debating theoretical issues and enjoy testing different solutions to problems. ENTP’s need to be constantly learning and questioning to experience fulfilment. They are capable of being highly innovative and are not constrained by social expectations. Visionaries can be frustrated if expected to focus on detail or forced to keep to established ways of doing things. This Personality Type needs to plow their own furrow and, if necessary, make their own mistakes.

More ENTP personality type >



ISFP - The Composer

isfpCreative potential … finely tuned to their environment

Tuned into aesthetic detail, ISFPs are highly creative. Although not naturally outgoing, The Composer has a friendly and warm personality and values a small, close-knit group of friends. The primary influences of this Personality Type stem from the Feeling and Perceiving aspects. As result, the ISFP will struggle in situations where they are expected to work logically or take charge. The Composer is happier amending an existing structure than starting from a blank slate. The 16 personality test shows ISFPs can find fulfilment when permitted to unleash their creative potential. They are finely tuned to their environment and have a keen eye for aesthetic detail. Time spent working artistically or designing things is likely to be both enjoyable and successful.

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ENFJ - The Giver

enfjAttuned to people’s needs

The Giver dedicates themselves to ensuring that everybody around them is having their needs met. ENFJs need to feel that they are helping to make the world a better place. They are finely attuned to the wants and desires of others, and will do all they can to help. Outwardly focused and organized, this personality type greatly prefers order to chaos. They have a tendency to neglect their own needs and should protect themselves from situations where they may experience denigration. No matter how constructive or well-intentions, the ENFJ will not take kindly to criticism. The extrovert part of this personality means The Giver seeks out close relationships. It is important that this Personality Type receives as much as they provide in these unions, though – the onus of which may fall on a potential partner.

More ENFJ personality type >


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“It is not only the most difficult thing to know oneself, but the most inconvenient one, too.” – H.W. Shaw
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